Bragg Creek Trails



This Addendum is to be signed in conjunction with the Volunteer Agreement for all volunteers under the age of 18 (“Minor Volunteers”). The reference to “BCT” in this Addendum has the same meaning given to this term in clause 16 of the Volunteer Agreement.

  • The parent or guardian of Minor Volunteers under 14 years of age must sign both the Volunteer Agreement and this Addendum.
  • Minor Volunteers 14 years of age and older are required to read and sign the Volunteer Agreement and their parent or guardian must read the Volunteer Agreement and read and sign this Addendum.

Name of Minor Volunteer:


Minor’s date of birth: 


Parent/Guardian Name:


Parent/Guardian Phone #:


  1. I affirm that I am the parent or guardian of the Minor Volunteer and that I have the right to consent to the Minor Volunteer participating in volunteer activities with the BCT.
  2. I acknowledge having read and understood the BCT Volunteer Agreement. I sign this Addendum to the Volunteer Agreement for and on behalf of the Minor Volunteer, and for and on my own behalf, intending to bind the Minor Volunteer, myself, and our heirs and personal representatives.
  3. I have explained the contents of the Volunteer Agreement to the Minor Volunteer and the Minor Volunteer understands the terms of the Volunteer Agreement. I understand and agree that the Volunteer Agreement applies to the Minor Volunteer as if he/she was 18 years of age and is binding on both myself and the Minor Volunteer.
  4. In addition to the waiver and release of liability in clause 16 of the Volunteer Agreement, I hereby agree that the BCT is not responsible for any loss or damage sustained by me or my family as a result of any injury to or death of the Minor Volunteer howsoever caused and notwithstanding that the injury to or death of the Minor Volunteer may have been caused by or contributed to by the negligence of the BCT. I hereby release, waive and discharge the BCT from all liability to myself, my family and our personal representatives for all loss or damage and any claims or demands for such loss or damage arising from any injury to or death of the Minor Volunteer whether caused by the negligence of the BCT or otherwise and I further agree not to sue the BCT.
  5. I am the full age of 18 years. I am aware of the nature and effect of the Volunteer Agreement and this Addendum. I voluntarily give up the right, on behalf of myself personally and on behalf of my family, heirs and personal representatives, to sue the BCT as next friend of the Minor Volunteer in the event of any injury to his/her person and our right to sue the BCT in the event of the death of the Minor Volunteer.

I have read, understand and agree to the above terms and conditions, including the waiver and release of liability, and confirm that both myself and the Minor Volunteer is signing the Volunteer Agreement freely and voluntarily and that I am signing this Addendum freely and voluntarily, having been fully informed as to its contents and implications.

Date: March 19, 2025

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