The Alberta Youth Championships will be running this weekend – March 3-5 – along  WBC ski trails. This is a marquee event for West Bragg.

Trail users should note that the course route will include Chickadee Meadow which will serve as the course stadium, West Crystal Line and Links, and the lower portion of West Sundog. See trail maps below. Course marshals will direct traffic during the event. The Trails Centre will also be very busy during the event.

For trails users wanting to take a spin around WBC ski trails during the event fear not, BCT groomers will be hard at work preparing the whole ski trails system. There will be plenty of groomed terrain for what looks to be another glorious weekend of winter fun in WBC!

Race Schedule
Image 2023-02-28 at 9.11 AM
Image 2023-02-28 at 9.10 AM