Single ‘n Ready to Mingle Fatbike Event

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Single ‘n Ready to Mingle Valentine’s Day Fatbike event is happening on Saturday Feb 12th at 2:30 pm and entry ($50) includes a snack for the ride and a beer at the Powderhorn afterwards.

Are you interested in a unique way to meet some new people? Sick of Zoom game nights and want to connect with people in person again? Well look no further as Flow is offering a limited number of Single ‘n Ready to Mingle Guided Mountain Bike Rides for the 2022 season!

This is a Valentine’s Day Fatbike event happening in Bragg Creek on Saturday February 12th starting at 2:30 pm. The ride is open to all levels of mountain bikers – we will split off into a Beginner and more Intermediate to Advanced group depending on who signs up. And it’s ok if you haven’t tried fatbiking before as this isn’t a race – the goal is to have a social ride and meet some new people in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. A snack during the ride and post-ride beer at the Powderhorn Saloon is also included.

Exact location will be sent to participants via email. We will be practicing social distancing – luckily a bike length is approximately 2 meters so this makes things easy when we are on the move. Event will be cancelled and refunds issued if COVID 19 restrictions change before Feb 12th, or if the temperature is below -20 degrees.

We’ll meet in Bragg Creek for 2:30 pm and will go for a 1 1/2 to 2 hour ride depending on how the group is feeling. After we return to the parking lot, participants will head to the Powderhorn Saloon for a beer and to socialize a bit more.

For those who don’t own a fatbike, we have partnerships with some amazing local shops in Calgary and Canmore, with discounts of 25-30% off bike rentals. Please get in touch with us and we will send you the applicable discount codes.

Bow Cycle, Calgary – 30% off for Flow Participants:

Rebound Cycle, Canmore – 20% off for Flow Participants:

We also have partnerships with a local hotel in Kananaskis offering 20% off accommodation to Flow participants for those who are coming from out of town. Get in touch with us for the promo codes and we’ll make sure this is sorted for you.

We look forward to providing a fun activity during these unique COVID-19 times! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at if you have any questions. We look forward to helping you find more Flow on your bike and in your life!

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