For the love of the trails.
You can help make a difference.

Benefits of volunteering

  • Connecting with nature
  • Meeting and connecting with like-minded individuals
  • Creating and contributing to community and supporting an established not for profit
  • Giving back to the beautiful and historical West Bragg Creek trail system
  • Preserving and enhancing our natural environment
  • Gaining skills in trail maintenance and stewardship
  • Beneficial way to stay active and enjoy the wilderness
  • Join a community of volunteers who all work towards keeping Bragg Creek as a retreat for all to enjoy

Learn how important our volunteers are

Choose how you want to volunteer


Lite Work

No heavy lifting or dirt moving here. Prune with hand loppers, or do some light brushing and clearing.

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Trail Hosting

Hosts are volunteers for BCT and also goodwill ambassadors for our Trails. They use education and awareness to improve the trail users experience and to help ensure safety and minimize conflict.

What they do:

a) Volunteer trail hosts provide information to visitors at the West Bragg Creek parking lot or on the WBC trails or at the WBC Trails Centre.

b) Among the duties the trail hosts perform are:

  • Welcome new users and provide a general orientation to the area.
  • Serve as an information resource, helping people to understand that the area is multi-use and that trail etiquette guidelines exist to improve the trail users experience and to help ensure safety and minimize conflict.
  • Help members of the public to understand the trails map and current trail conditions so they can access a trail or route appropriate for the intended activity.
  • Encourage trail users to donate or volunteer to support ongoing trails development and maintenance.
  • Sell BCT Swag!
  • Minimum six shifts during the calendar year as a Trail host – choose what works best for your schedule.


Trail Builder

If you feel like working up a sweat this is the job for you! Moderate to heavy shoveling. Help move dirt with Pulaskis and other specialized trails tools. Wheelbarrows, rock moving, and clearing of bucked trees.


Trail Crew Leader

If you’re really into this, lead work parties that go out on trail days. Coordinate activities that are fun and safe. You must have first aid training, a restricted radio license, qualifications to operate equipment like e bikes, motor bikes and quads. Must be available to participate in and complete all required training.


Winter Grooming – All Season & Cross County Ski Trails

Coming soon

Choose your season



Trail building and trail maintenance.



Grooming for skiing and fatbiking. Trail Hosting for events.



Dial in on the trails that you love all year round.

Step 1

Create a profile on BetterImpact, sign up for volunteer opportunities on the BetterImpact calendar and log hours

Step 2

Read and sign the volunteer agreement.

Sign up for Volunteer Opportunities in the Better Impact calendar.

Volunteering perks

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The BCT 100 hours club

Those with 100 or more hours receive a special gift from BCT


Kananaskis Volunteer Program – 40+ hours

Those with 40 or more hours receive a Kananaskis Conservation Pass and Canmore Nordic Pass.

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Discounted Nordic pass – 20+ hours

Those with 20 or more hours receive a 50% discount on a Canmore Nordic Pass.


Want to join a BCT Committee?

Got questions about volunteering?