In preparation for ski season, every year about this time BCT volunteers spend a week or so mowing ski trails. This allows for a quick start to grooming once the snow flies. This year thanks to a generous collaboration with Rockyview County, BCT was able to purchase a new Giraffetta SL160 flail mower (seen in the second picture). This new machine allows for off-centre mowing of brush that slowly begins to encroach on trails effectively narrowing their width. BCT will also use the new mower on the TCT in Rockyview County. Big thanks to Dr Peter Farran for leading the K Country mowing operation again this year and to Mike Frena for mowing along the TCT!
Ski Trails Mowing Begins
By|2022-08-24T07:19:34+00:00August 24, 2022|BCT|Comments Off on Ski Trails Mowing Begins