Mosquitoes are one of those seasonal annoyances we have come to associate with outdoor recreation. They are small blood-sucking insects whose numbers tend to peak by mid-summer. Although they are considered a nuisance by most they do play a valuable role in the greater ecosystem and are a plentiful food source for many other creatures.

Mosquitoes are attracted to moisture, sweat, heat, and carbon dioxide…all the things associated with our favourite outdoor pastimes. It’s also true that mosquitoes can be attracted to some people more than others. We apologize if this describes you but we sure do appreciate having you around taking one (bite…or maybe dozens) for the team. Typically a mosquito’s bite will leave a swollen itchy red lump on your skin, however they are also known carriers of West Nile Virus. Thankfully transmission of West Nile and other mosquito-borne illnesses is low in Canada. That being said, there are things you can do to help prevent being bitten in the first place.

Using an insect repellent that contains DEET and wearing light-coloured long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as a hat will help protect you from those pesky skeeters. Mosquitoes are also most active at dawn and dusk, so staying indoors at those times (not an easy task for us outdoorsy folks, I know) can also reduce your risk.

Thankfully summer is just too much fun to let these tiny insects ruin it for you. By taking the proper precautions you’ll still enjoy your days out on the trails.